Lower School Enrichment
At Community Partnership we believe in a well rounded education, an opportunity for our students to develop their special talents. That's why we offer our students an extensive enrichment component to their curriculum. At the lower school all students receive visual arts, music, physical education, and technology instruction at least once a week for an hour with our full time specialist teachers. In addition to our specialist program our 3rd and 4th graders engage in an elective course, Senior Academy, which offers a variety of unique topics to explore with our 3rd, 4th, and specialist teachers.
Visual Arts
Artwork reflecting the rich visual arts program is displayed throughout the lower school- elaborate paper sculptures, student self portraits, intricate font embroideries and more can be seen in an ever changing student gallery throughout the halls.
Student artists are encouraged to explore and experiment with a wide variety of mediums, including drawing, painting, collage, clay, and printmaking. Famous artists, world cultures, science, social studies, math and language arts are often the influence for project themes.
The whole school looks forward to Creativity Day & the Art Show, the culminating visual arts event at the end of the school year. Students are proud to share one of their best creations of the year, while enjoying a day of free art activities such as tie dye, mural painting, and monster building.
To find out more about the visual arts program at CPCS visit: cpcsyoungartists.tumblr.com
Singing voices, drum beats and guitar strumming echo through the halls-reminding us of the engaging performance focused music curriculum here at Community Partnership.
Students learn to use their voices, instruments, and bodies to express and discover their relationship to music. Students are introduced to the instrument families and a wide variety of musical genres such as pop, classical, jazz and rock both new and old.
Their talents are celebrated in two of our beloved school wide events the Winter Sing and Spring Sing. Classes shine on stage while enjoying the proud faces of friends and families out in the audience of our jam-packed auditorium.
Physical Education
Sneakers are tied tight, ready for action, on P.E. days, where students spend time improving fine and gross motor skills.
Students learn spatial awareness, cooperative games, sportsmanship, and how to live a healthy lifestyle. They will learn how to be a good member of the community with a partner and with a team and learn how to win and lose with heart.
All of their athleticism and sportsmanship has a time to shine at our end of the year event Spirit Day, where students and teachers intermingle with the other grades to form teams and enjoy a day of relay races, tug-o-war, and team cheers.
Our technology program focuses on technology specific skills such as touch typing, online research, and digital citizenship while also teaching our students how to approach and interact with a variety of new technologies.
Our fully equipped tech lab with Smartboard, ipad and laptop cart, robotics equipment and digital cameras give students ample resources to work with.
Stop by the computer lab and you might see students creating digital collages in photoshop, composing original music in Garageband, programming robots, or publishing stories.