What is the length of the school day?
The Lower School day runs from 8:20 am – 4:00 pm. The Middle School day runs from 8:00am- 4:00pm. Students have the option of participating in after-school from 4:00pm - 5:30pm. The after-school has clubs, sports teams, and enrichment opportunities. Both schools open at 7:45 to receive students for breakfast. Pickup for students takes place promptly at 4pm.
Do students wear uniforms?
Yes, uniforms are required. K-4 students wear tan or navy bottoms and an orange, blue or white top. 5th- 8th grade students wear a chambray button down, orange tie and tan pants.
Is there an after school program?
Yes, and it's free! The Lower School and Middle School after school programs run Monday - Thursday from 4pm- 5:30pm (LS) and 5:45pm (MS).
Can my child ride the school bus to CPCS?
Yes, students can apply to ride the school bus if they live at least 1 mile from the school. We have various routes that pick students up and bring them to and from school each day. Contact the main office for more information.
Does CPCS offer intervention or tutoring services for students?
Yes, Community Partnership has an extensive Response to Intervention (RTI) program that responsively addresses student needs based on quarterly assessments. Students are grouped according to need first, in the classroom, and then, secondly, may receive services from a student support aide/intervention specialist.
Does CPCS offer Special Education services?
Yes. Collaborative team-taught (CTT or ICT) classes are found in almost every grade k-8. CPCS also provides services for Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Counseling, and Physical Therapy.
Is CPCS a private school?
No. Community Partnership Charter School is a public charter school. Attendance is free and students are admitted based on a lottery.
Will students have extra-curricular activities?
Yes. We have full time art, music, physical education and technology teachers on staff.
What are class sizes at CPCS?
Community Partnership Charter School has 25 students per class in grades k-8; there are two teachers in every classroom k-4.
In what way do Charter Schools/CPCS differ from Public Schools?
Charter schools are public schools of choice, meaning that families choose them for their children. They operate with freedom from some of the regulations that are imposed upon district schools. Charter schools are accountable for academic results and for upholding the promises made in their charters. They must demonstrate performance in the areas of academic achievement, financial management, and organizational stability. If a charter school does not meet performance goals, it may be closed. That is why it's so important to have the continued support of all our scholars and their families, teaching staff and our community to ensure that we thrive to best of our ability.